April 16 Prayer Update

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)


Saturday's outreach took place the day before Resurrection Sunday. And as our team members met with various people, it was very clear that a spiritual battle was being waged. We were met with confrontational responses; conflicts between homeless people; and a spirit of confusion and bondage among many. But in the midst of it, God responded through our team with love, calm, truth, and compassion. What the evil one means for harm, God has the power to use for good, and that was seen as angry responses were quieted and people were willing to receive Bibles and prayer.

As you pray for the many requests that are mentioned today, please pray for our Team, that God would protect them and that His Spirit would give them wisdom and guide their responses. This is indeed a spiritual battle, but Jesus loves our homeless friends and wants them to come to Him. Our Jesus has promised that He has overcome the world! (John 16:33)

Central Concord Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Lorraine who was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We thank God that her husband, Brian has found work at a bike store. Pray that he would be able to keep this job.

  • Pray for James and Melissa as they interview for jobs this week. They're trying to get employment and find housing.

  • Heather continues to be in a lot of pain and needs prayer.

  • Gus has asked us to continue praying for his brother, Joel, who has cancer.

Many of the people we talked to on Saturday were unwilling to come out of their tents. There have been disagreements between many individuals, and altercations had left a few of them with bloodied faces and bruises. Please pray that God would bring His peace to the hearts and minds of those living in the homeless camps.

Concord Dart Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Denise who seems to have faith. Pray that her faith would grow through God's grace and a desire to pursue Him.

  • Please pray for Melissa, a severely addicted young woman who prostitutes to pay for her drugs. Please pray that God would rescue her!

  • Mary asked us to pray for her safety and the safety of the others in the homeless camps.

  • Julian asked us to pray that he would be able to get into the rescue mission. He has no knowledge of God,and was given a copy of "The Daily Bread" and the Romans' Road pamphlet.

  • Please also pray for Mark and Kenneth who both accepted prayer (they met with 2 of our teams on the same day - so they had double prayer!)

Kenneth (center) who received prayer from Olga and Peter

Al shared with our team that he had compared the teachings of Mohammed and Jesus and felt that "Jesus won out." He said that he knew and agreed with the teachings of Jesus. Please pray that this knowing would bring about saving faith, repentance, and healing.

Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Marcus, whom we have met with before, continues to wait for hip surgery. He was given a Gospel tract, and he seemed to understand the gospel message. Please pray that He would give his life to Jesus and that he would get the surgery he needs.

  • Bob is also waiting for hip surgery and was willing to pray with our team.

  • Please pray for Christopher and Jonathan who were both confrontational and combative. The love and patience shown to them by our team calmed their agitation and created a willingness to talk and receive Bibles and pamphlets. Praise God!

Barbara shared with us that in the past she had not sincerely given her life to the Lord, but she is now receptive to the truth of Jesus and thinking through her need for Him. She has three children but has no contact with them. On Saturday she was happy to receive badly needed shoes.

Judy, whom we have met with many times, shared with us that she was able to find housing and will be rooming with two other people. Please pray that she would come to faith in the Lord and that she wouldn't return to homelessness again. We are not sure if we'll have the opportunity to meet with her again after she leaves the camp, but praise God that we've been able to share Jesus with her so many times over the last 12 months! May God continue to work in and through her, calling her unto Himself!

North Concord Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Shawn who received a New Testament. Pray that he would read it and by God's enabling see that the God of the Bible is distinct from any other god or religion.

  • Please pray for Kyle -- he is a deeply disturbed man who is under the bondage of drugs and false beliefs. Lord Jesus, we ask that you deliver Kyle!

  • Frank has knowledge of the gospel and was open to the discussions we had with him. He received a Bible and our team prayed with him.

  • Please pray also for Jim and Achmed


Thanks for your continued prayer and support for Hope 680! We have scheduled outreaches through the end of the year! Please sign up to participate in the outreaches or to make lunches.

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May 7 Prayer Update


April 2 Prayer Update