Donate essential items
We regularly donate specific items to the homeless.
Current Donation Needs: Winter 2024/2025
XL Men’s T-shirts
Men's Socks
Individual drink boxes
Individual Nuts and Trail Mix Packets
High Protein Bars
Bottled Water
Tuna Pouches
Men’s Waterproof Jackets: X, XL, XXL
Men’s T-shirts: X, XL, XXL
Please contact us if you’d like to give any item listed below.
We are specific in what we ask for (and what we don’t) so that we can be efficient and minimize storage and time to sort. Sign up below for our newsletter so you can receive the latest news, prayer requests, and updates on needed items.
Tuna Salad Pouches
These kits come in a variety of flavors and they are more than a typical can of tuna. They include crackers and a small utensil to eat with. They can be found on Amazon or your local grocery store.
Men’s Socks
We always need large, warm socks. New or used. It’s amazing how much our friends appreciate a clean pair! The most useful socks to distribute are men’s socks.
Good bulk option:
Boxed Juice
Not just a kid favorite, these are a great addition to our blessings bags.
We need only adult T-shirts, sizes L to XXXL. New or used. Plain preferred.
Good bulk option:
High Protein Bars
We like our blessing bags to be filled with multiple sources of protein. High protein bars are a better option then your run-of-the-mill granola bars. We like to looks for options that offer around 20 grams of protein per bar. We know that will help to fill a hungry stomach longer.
We love to give a bible to anyone who asks for one. We prefer good quality bibles that will last well. ESV preferred.
Most ideal options:
Main bibles we give out
Large print bibles for those with vision issues