Blessing bags

“Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.”

Matthew 5:42

Blessing bags are a great way to respond to the homeless out your car window, while walking down the street, or while doing ministry with us at an encampment, with a tangible love gift. They show God’s love practically, responding to the one who asks. They do not enable addiction. And they cannot be used inappropriately like cash can. The enclosed gospel tract ensures they know why the gift is being given!

We are always happy to receive items to replenish our blessing bag supplies. Please see the list below fo the types of items that are most useful.

Here are the ingredients for a blessing bag:

Non-perishable Food items

•             Tuna/chicken salad + cracker box

•             Granola bar

•             Protein bar (10g+ protein)

•             Trail mix

•             Juice box

Hygiene Items

•             Socks

•             Toothbrush and Toothpaste

•             Tissues (optional)

Additional items

•             Ziploc bag – Gallon size (used to pack the blessing bags into them)

•             Gospel tract – clear biblical gospel presentation (example here)

•             Any handwritten picture or note (optional)

Items we don’t include

  • Cash

  • Hand Sanitizer or other items with alcohol content