May 21 Prayer Update

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
(I Corinthians 13:1-3)

Saturday's outreach reminded us of this truth again and again as God gave us opportunities to love our homeless friends - not just with the truths of salvation in Jesus, but in acts of giving, compassion, and attentiveness to their needs. We are thankful for the opportunities God gave us to express His love in so many tangible ways!

Dart Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Achmed that the Lord would bring the many conversations we have had with him to his mind, and that he would come to faith and repentance

  • Please pray for Al and Jennifer who were both under the influence and quite scattered. Pray that they would read the Bible that was given to them.

  • Please pray for Travis who was excited to learn about different Bible apps he could access on his phone. Travis professes Christ and wants to serve others in the homeless camps.

  • Please pray for a man who really listened to the gospel and who seems very close to belief. He also asked for prayer that he would be able to get into approved housing sooner than anticipated.

  • Pray for Charles who admitted that he was high and didn't feel like it would be good to talk about Jesus when he was under the influence. Pray that our team would be able to talk to him again.

Jim’s backpack was stolen along with a Bible that Catherine had given him previously. He displayed a lot of sadness when we arrived, but his sadness was soon turned into joy when Evan gave him a new Bible and his own backpack to replace the one that was stolen. Evan even sang a song to him about the love described in 1 Corinthians 13!

Evan shows Travis Bible apps he can access on his phone.

Martinez Team Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Gina who tried to take her own life recently. She is in an abusive relationship and was beaten up when we were with her. Our team really encouraged her to go to the Bay Area Rescue Mission. Please pray that she would go. Our team prayed with her and gave her a Bible.

  • Michael asked us to pray for transportation for him.

  • Barbara, whom we have prayed for before, is still needing knee surgery, but her smoking prevents her from being able to get the surgery.

  • Johnny, who professes to be a Christian, has been reading his Bible and talked about what he has been reading in Acts. Ken invited him to church. Johnny will be moving into an apartment in a couple weeks.

  • Please pray for Sean who, due to being under the influence, was very scattered and talking about aliens. Pray that he would read the copy of John that Carolyn gave him.

  • Karen is suffering from a brain tumor and is alienated from her family.

Central Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Our team met with James and Melissa again who previously said that there's no living on the streets without drug. Please pray that they would see that Jesus is the only source of true life and wellbeing.

  • Pray for Anthony who was willing to talk about Scripture. He has that he would pray more.

  • Please pray for Maureen and Brian, and Ryan, George and Teresa -- all of whom were resistant to conversation.

  • Curtis and Angie asked for strength and for a court hearing that Curtis has to go to.

  • Pray that for Gus who has talked to our team numerous times. Pray that he would come to faith and repentance.

North Concord Team Prayer Requests

  • Our team talked to Darrell again who was very hostile last time we talked to him. This time he was willing to talk, received a Bible, and was far more open to the truth of Jesus. Please pray that he would come to faith and repentance.

  • Please pray for Shawna who daughter has Covid. This news provided an opening to share the gospel with her to and to pray. She was also willing to receive a Bible and open to reading it.

  • Please pray for Micky and Sean as well as James and his girlfriend, all of whom did not want to come out of their tents.

  • Pray for Bam who was hostile and unwilling to come out of his tent.

  • Pray for Trisha who has heard and understands the gospel. She has two children and expressed a desire for a church community. She received a Bible from our team.

  • Pray, too, for Chris that he would come to believe that salvation is a gift of grace and not one that can be earned.

  • Pray for John who understands the Gospel and professes to believe, but who continues to abuse drugs. Pray for the power of Christ in His life to overcome his sin and addiction.

There were a number of folks who were unwilling to come out of their tents this weekend. Pray that the Lord Jesus would give them the desire to engage our volunteers in conversation so that they would have opportunity to hear the truth.

Adriano talks to John about how belief in Christ brings us to salvation and to a life of obedience.

Ministry RV Update

We have exciting news! As we continue to raise funds for an RV, God has provided Hope 680 with several folks with Biblical counseling experience and training, who have extensive experience in addiction counseling. (We are still looking for more counselors to join this team by September,) We also have volunteers and staff to help us compile quality bible studies to work on with our homeless friends.

We are so thankful for what God is doing! He loves and cares for those who are suffering from homelessness and addiction, and He is providing the way for us to meet with them, walk with them, and share the Good News of God's saving, life-giving grace!

Thanks for your faithful prayer for the ministry of Hope 680. Click the link below if you would like to participate in future outreaches.

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June 4 Prayer Update


May 7 Prayer Update