November 2020 Prayer update

We wanted to share some stories from our outreach yesterday so that you might join us in prayer, and praise to God for the abundant opportunities we had to share His love.

Overall we met over 50 people, gave out 75 lunches, handed out about 15 bibles and prayed with all who were open. We operated in two teams: One in Martinez and the other in Concord.

Please see stories and photos below.

Thank you for praying and partnering with us in the gospel!

Saturday we had six men join the homeless outreach: Toby, Tommy, Bob, Nick, Evan and Adriano (left to right)

Saturday we had six men join the homeless outreach: Toby, Tommy, Bob, Nick, Evan and Adriano (left to right)


This here is Wolfgang. His presence was welcoming as he paraphrased James 1:19 upon our arrival. As we approached closer, he shared his passion for this particular book, specifically addressing the letter’s weighty delivery. Wolfgang also acknowledg…

This here is Wolfgang. His presence was welcoming as he paraphrased James 1:19 upon our arrival. As we approached closer, he shared his passion for this particular book, specifically addressing the letter’s weighty delivery. Wolfgang also acknowledged that he believes in the trinity and finds amazement in God’s omniscient power. Previously a convict, Wolfgang shared how his earlier years were wasted in his own pursuits. Now his approach involves seeking the Lord’s will throughout the day. Thankfully, we provided him with a bible and shared the gospel. Pray for Wolfgang to continue to pursue the Word.

Located within the grounds of the Martinez marina waterfront, the outdoor amphitheater hosted an extensive homeless encampment community. Our group was able to enter with a warm welcome. As we handed out food, goody bags, and fresh coffee, the homel…

Located within the grounds of the Martinez marina waterfront, the outdoor amphitheater hosted an extensive homeless encampment community. Our group was able to enter with a warm welcome. As we handed out food, goody bags, and fresh coffee, the homeless were very thankful. The potential for extended outreach is promising. As we continue to serve in this arena, pray for elevated opportunities to share the good news.

Names of folks at the homeless encampment: Judy, Richard, Stony, James, Lori, Lisa, Ray and Frank


Starting at the Concord Civic Center, we immediately met six people. Nacho, who’s English was limited, really appreciated that Adriano could communicate with him in Spanish. After the very low temperatures overnight (mid 30’s), Milo found that his c…

Starting at the Concord Civic Center, we immediately met six people. Nacho, who’s English was limited, really appreciated that Adriano could communicate with him in Spanish. After the very low temperatures overnight (mid 30’s), Milo found that his current jacket was quite inadequate. Fortunately, by the gracious, God inspired giving, we were able to supply him with a very warm and waterproof coat. At the same spot, we also talked with BB, Scotty, Bill and Chris. All six of these gentlemen were very open to listening to us about Christ.

Our next stop was at Baldwin Park. There we met two men. One, Denny, had a Buddhist background. He was very unfamiliar with Christian teaching. Adriano spent a lot of one to one time with him. Pray for Denny that the words he heard will find their way to his heart.

We left central Concord and went to one of the common locations for homeless camps, the Highway 4 bridges in North Concord. In total, there were 18 people that we met. Most of them were new acquaintances, but one, Granville, we have known for most of the ten years we’ve been ministering. Every time we see him, we continue to build on previous conversations. Please pray that the seed we’ve planted grows.

Our next outreach will be Saturday December 19.


December 2020 Prayer Update